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--------------------------------------- rPatricia - A ruby wrapper of Net::Patricia DESCRIPTION ----------- This is a ruby wrapper of Net::Patricia, which has been developed by Dave Plonka. The original Net::Patricia and its C API are available from: Net::Patricia is a module for fast IP address/prefix lookups. I have modified some interfaces for the Ruby wrapper version. NO WARANTY ---------- THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. INSTALLATION ------------ This package extracts, builds, installs in the usual fashion, i.e.: $ tar xvfz rpatricia.tar.gz $ cd rpatricia $ ruby extconf.rb $ make $ ruby test.rb # make install SYNOPSIS -------- require 'rpatricia' pt = pt.add("") pt.add("", "user_data") node = pt.search_best("") puts puts node.prefix puts puts node.prefixlen pt.remove("") puts pt.num_nodes pt.show_nodes pt.clear METHODS ------- new: pt = This is the class' constructor - it returns a Patricia object. For now, the constructor takes no arguments, and defaults to creating a tree which uses AF_INET IPv4 address and mask values as keys. The Patricia object will be destroyed automatically when there are no longer any references to it. add: pt.add(key_string[,user_data]) The first argument, key_string, is a network or subnet specification in canonical form, e.g. ``'', where the number after the slash represents the number of bits in the netmask. If no mask width is specified, the longest possible mask is assumed, i.e. 32 bits for AF_INET addresses. The second argument, user_data, is optional. If supplied, it should be a STRING object specifying the user data that will be stored in the Patricia Trie node. Subsequently, this value will be returned by the match methods described below to indicate a successful search. If no second argument is passed, the key_string will be stored as the user data and therfore will likewise be returned by the match functions. On success, this method returns the object of the Patricia Trie node. add_node: An alias of add. search_best: pt.search_best(key_string); This method searches the Patricia Trie to find a matching node, according to normal subnetting rules for the address and mask specified. The key_string argument is a network or subnet specification in canonical form, e.g. ``'', where the number after the slash represents the number of bits in the netmask. If no mask width value is specified, the longest mask is assumed, i.e. 32 bits for AF_INET addresses. If a matching node is found in the Patricia Trie, this method returns the object of the node. This method returns nil on failure. match_best: An alias of search_best. search_exact: pt.search_exact(key_string); This method searches the Patricia Trie to find a matching node. Its semantics are exactly the same as those described for search_best except that the key must match a node exactly. I.e., it is not sufficient that the address and mask specified merely falls within the subnet specified by a particular node. match_exact: An alias of search_exact. include?: pt.include?(key_string); This method behaves like match_best, but returns true on success and false on failure. This method is more efficient than match_best as it does not allocate a new object. remove: pt.remove(key_string); This method removes the node which exactly matches the the address and mask specified from the Patricia Trie. If the matching node is found in the Patricia Trie, it is removed, and this method returns the true. This method returns false on failure. remove_node: An alias of remove num_nodes: pt.num_nodes This method returns the number of nodes in the Patricia Trie. show_nodes: pt.print_nodes This method prints all the nodes in the Patricia Trie. data: This method returns the user data of the Patricia Trie node. network: This method returns the network of the Patricia Trie node. prefix: node.prefix This method returns the prefix of the Patricia Trie node. prefixlen: node.prefixlen This method returns the prefix length of the Patricia Trie node. AUTHORS ------ Tatsuya MoriEric Wong