Study Group

We organize several study groups. As of today, all the participants speak in Japanese. Of course, we can organize English-based study groups if you wish.

If you hope to join the group, please let us know.

  • CTF study group (m1z0r3) Wednesdays evening
  • Machine learning for security (ml4sec) study group   Thursdays morning
  • Psychology for security (PsychoSec) study group   Wednesdays morning
  • and more…



  • CTF勉強会 (m1z0r3) 毎週水曜日夕方
  • セキュリティ✕機械学習勉強会 (ml4sec) 毎週木曜日朝
  • セキュリティ✕心理学勉強会 (PsychoSec) 毎週水曜日朝
  • その他