A paper got accepted!

We are pleased to announce that our paper has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Information Processing Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ). Congraturations, Watanabe-kun and the team!

T. Watanabe, E. Shioji, M. Akiyama, T. Mori, “Understanding the Breakdown of Same-Origin Policies in Web Services That Rehost Websites,” Journal of Information Processing, vol. xx, no. xx., pp. xxxx-xxxxx (in press)

This paper extends our original work presented at NDSS 2020 by providing detailed insights into the countermeasures implemented by global service providers, including Google, in response to our recommendations. These enhancements are crucial for understanding the evolving landscape of web service security. We elaborate on the real-world impact of our research in collaboration with JPCERT/CC.