A workshop paper got accepted.

Our paper submitted to the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects in Processes and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2018) was accepted for publication. This is a joint work with Toho University. Congratulations, Yoshida-san and Kanaoka-sensei!

Kanae Yoshida, Hironori Imai, Nana Serizawa, Tatsuya Mori, and Akira Kanaoka,
Understanding the Origins of Weak Cryptographic Algorithms Used for Signing Android Apps,” In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Security Aspects in Processes and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2018), July 2018 (accepted).



飯島涼,南翔汰,シュウインゴウ,及川靖広,森達哉, “パラメトリックスピーカーを利用した音声認識機器への攻撃と評価,”暗号と情報セキュリティシンポジウム (SCIS 2018), 2018年1月

A paper got accepted.

Our paper submitted to Elsevier Computers & Security got accepted for publication. This is a joint work with NTT Secure platform Labs. Congratulations Chiba-San!

D. Chiba, M. Akiyama, T. Yagi, K. Hato, T. Mori, and S. Goto,
DomainChroma: Building Actionable Threat Intelligence from Malicious Domain Names,” Elsevier Computers & Security, vol. xx, pp. xxx-xxx, 2018 (in press)

A paper got accepted. (ASIACCS18)

Our paper submitted to the 13th ACM ASIA Conference on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2018) is accepted for publication. This is a joint work with NTT Secure Platform Labs. Congrats, Elkana!

ASIACCS is considered as one of the top conferences in the security research community. As always, the selection process was highly competitive; the acceptance rate this year was 20.0% (=62/310).

E. Pariwono, D. Chiba, M. Akiyama, and T. Mori,
Don’t throw me away: Threats Caused by the Abandoned Internet Resources Used by Android Apps,”
Proceedings of the 13th ACM ASIA Conference on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2018), pp. xx–xx, June 2018 (acceptance rate: 62/310=20.0%) (to appear).