Matsuura-kun presented a talk at EuroUSEC 2021

Matsuura-kun presented a talk at EuroUSEC 2021, which is held online this year. We got excellent questions/comments from the audience. 

A. Hasegawa, M. Akiyama, and T. Mori, “Careless Participants Are Essential For Our Phishing Study: Understanding the Impact of Screening Methods“, In Proceedings of the 2021 European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC 2021), October, 2021. (acceptance rate: 24%=15/62) Best Paper Award  [PDF]

Yajima-kun presented a talk at OARConline 35a

Yajima-kun presented a talk at OARConline 35a, which is held online this year. 

M. Yajima, D. Chiba, Y. Yoneya, and T. Mori, “How prevalent is the operation of DNS security mechanisms?“[Video Talk][PDF]



森達哉, 「音声認識装置と人間の認知機能のギャップを悪用した攻撃IoTセキュリティフォーラム2020 2020年12月 [講演資料]