Presented three invited talks at APAN42

We presented the following three invited talks at the network security workshop of the 42nd APAN meeting. All these talks make use of machine learning techniques to solve the network security problems.
BTW, we survived the Typhoon Nida, which hit us at the venue. Look at the power of pink!


  • Bo Sun, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Takeshi Yagi, Mitsuhiro Hatada, and Tatsuya Mori, “Automatic Generation of URL Blacklist
  • Mitsuhiro Hatada and Tatsuya Mori, “Analytics of Malware Traffic: Clustering and its Evaluation
  • Sho Mizuno, Mitsuhiro Hatada, Tatsuya Mori, and Shigeki Goto, “Detecting malware-infected hosts using HTTP fingerprints


ICSS 7月研究会で発表をしました


  • 畑田充弘,森達哉,”マルウェアの通信モデルによるクラスタリング精度の評価,” 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 131, ICSS2016-24, pp. 59-64, 2016年7月 [概要]
  • 星野遼,衣川昌宏,林優一,森達哉,”電波再帰反射攻撃成立条件の評価と対策,” 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 131, ICSS2016-23, pp. 53-58, 2016年7月 [概要]


Presented a poster at SOUPS 2016

Presented our poster work at SOUPS 2016. We got many useful feedback from the attendees. We are proud that there were no works except ours that performed the replication study, which plays a vital role in scientific research. Also, I should note that this work was done by the great effort of Ota-kun who graduated this spring and was not able to attend the conference.
Based on the findings we extracted through this preliminary work, we are planning to develop tools/systems that improve the usability of authentication for visually impaired person. We also plan to extend our study for generic handicapped people.

Yuya Ota, Akira Kanaoka, and Tatsuya Mori,
I’m Stuck, Too!” Revisiting Difficulties of Using Web Authentication Mechanisms for Visually Impaired Person (poster), SOUPS 2016 [PDF]


NICT の高橋健志さんがとりまとめられているアイティメディアの「Androidセキュリティ技術の最前線」という連載に寄稿しました。



第2回Android Security ミニワークショップ

佐賀大学にて第2回 Android Security ミニワークショップを開催しました。会場の利用にあたって関係者の皆様には大変お世話になりました。改めて御礼申し上げます。ネタがたまった頃に次回を開催できればと思います。参加のご希望ありましたら森までメールでお知らせください (mori@このURLのドメイン)。
