


A paper has been published!

Our paper submitted to the IPSJ JIP has been published and is now available online. In this study, we analyzed 445 questions on a Q&A site, revealing non-experts’ main challenges with cyberattacks, authentication, and security, providing guidance for service improvements. Congratulations, Hasegawa-san! An earlier version of this paper was presented at SOUPS 2022.

Ayako A. HASEGAWA, Mitsuaki AKIYAMA, Naomi YAMASHITA, Daisuke INOUE, Tatsuya MORI, “Analysis of Non-Experts’ Security- and Privacy-Related Questions on a Q&A Site,” Journal IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.E106-D, No.9, pp.1380–1396 [PDF]

A paper got accepted!

Our paper submitted to EuroUSEC 2023 has been accepted for publication! This research proposes a new authentication method using hand gestures for VR devices, and we have conducted evaluations using the Meta Quest 2. Congratulations, Suzuki-san!

Mei Suzuki, Ryo Iijima, Kazuki Nomoto, Tetsushi Ohki), Tatsuya Mori, “PinchKey: A Natural and User-Friendly Approach to VR User Authentication,” Proceedings of the European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC), October 2023.



SCIS2023 論文賞 野本一輝,渡邉卓弥,塩治榮太朗,秋山満昭,森達哉,”ウェブブラウザの権限機構の横断的分析と脅威の評価” 暗号と情報セキュリティ研究会 (SCIS) 2023年1月


2023年5月18日に第93回 高度交通システムとスマートコミュニティ研究会(ITS)にて発表した下記の論文が優秀論文賞として表彰されました!



松尾和輝,丹田賢,川古谷裕平,森達哉,”UEFI モジュールのパッキングによる難読化“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2022 論文集, pp. 1071-1078,2022年10月
