Accepted to USENIX WOOT 2015

Our paper submitted to USENIX WOOT 2015 has been accepted for publication. Congrats Watanabe-kun!

T. Watanabe, M. Akiyama, and T. Mori, “RouteDetector: Sensor-based Positioning System that Exploits Spatio-temporal Regularity of Human Mobility,” Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT ’15), pp. xx-xx, August 2015, Washington D.C., US. (acceptance rate = 35.1% = 20/57)

Best Paper Award at WTC 2014

Kamiyama-san’s paper, which Mori coauthored, won the best paper award at World Telecommunication Congress 2014 held in Berlin, Germany. Congrats Kamiyama-san!

N. Kamiyama, R. Kawahara, and T. Mori,
“Loss Recovery Method for Content Pre-distribution in VoD Service”.
Proc. World Telecommunications Congress (WTC 2014), pp.1-6, June 2014
[IEEE Xplore]

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