6 Japanese students and 3 foreign students have joined our team. Welcome!
Author Archives: mori
当研究室の鈴木宏彰君が調査した、Tokyo2021 あるいは Olympic2021 といった五輪の延期に乗じたとみられるドメイン名の取得が相次いでいます。当研究室の調査結果を時事通信に取材いただき、記事にして頂きました。
類似ドメイン、五輪延期で急増 「Tokyo2021」、転売目的か―高額出品も
- 機械学習のセキュリティ(adversarial example, model inversion, model extraction)
- オリンピックWebサイトを標的としたフィッシングサイト調査
- ロボットセキュリティ(Sony AIBO を使います)
- 音声認識装置への攻撃
- 超広帯域無線システムのプライバシー評価
- その他持ち込みの提案があれば歓迎します
A journal paper got accepted
Our paper submitted to the IEICE transactions has been accepted for publication. This is a joint work with NTT Secure Platform Labs. The paper is an extended version of the paper presented at EuroUSEC 2019. Congratulations, Mori-san!
K. Mori, T. Watanabe, Y. Zhou, A. A. Hasegawa, M. Akiyama, and T. Mori, “Comparative Analysis of Three Language Spheres: Are Linguistic and Cultural Differences Reflected in Password Selection Habits?,” IEICE Transactions on Information Systems (accepted for publication)
CLAP dataset has been released
We are delighted to announce that we share the CLAP dataset with the research community. The dataset includes 5,340 PUAs (Potentially-Unwanted Apps) that account for 237 of distinct varieties. More details as well as the way to download the data are available from the CLAP project page. Please feel free to drop us an e-mail message if you want to try out. Enjoy!