A paper got accepted!

We’re excited to announce that our paper, “VPN Awareness and Misconceptions: A Comparative Study in Canadian and Japanese Contexts” has been accepted for presentation at the Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC 2024). Congraturations Lachran!

Our study provides an in-depth look into the usage patterns, perceptions, and common misconceptions about Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) among users in Canada and Japan. Through a survey of 234 VPN users from these two countries, we’ve uncovered significant insights:

Cultural Variations in VPN Usage: The study reveals that Japanese users primarily use VPNs for security purposes. In contrast, Canadian users have a broader scope of VPN applications, including privacy concerns and accessing geographically restricted content.

Understanding of VPN Functionality: We found that Canadian users, despite having limited technical knowledge, have a broader understanding of VPNs. Conversely, Japanese participants displayed a deeper technical insight, particularly regarding the encryption of data in transit.

Awareness and Misconceptions: A critical observation was the limited awareness of data logging practices among VPN providers in both user groups, pointing to widespread misconceptions in this area.

This research marks a significant contribution to the understanding of VPN usage, highlighting the cultural nuances that influence the adoption and perceptions of VPNs in different regions. It offers invaluable insights into the diverse motivations and behaviors of VPN users in Canada and Japan.

Lachlan Moore and Tatsuya Mori, “VPN Awareness and Misconceptions: A Comparative Study in Canadian and Japanese Contexts“, Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC 2024) (to appear)

A paper got accepted!

Exciting news! Our submission to ACM ASIACCS 2024, entitled “The Catcher in the Eye: Recognizing Users by their Blinks” has been accepted for publication. Congratulations to Iijima-kun and the team!

BlinkAuth leverages unique blink patterns and electro-oculogram (EOG) data for user authentication, with an impressive average accuracy of 95.2% and a usability score of 82.50. This innovative technology has been extensively tested under a variety of conditions and shows remarkable robustness to environmental changes and potential security threats. Get ready to explore the future of secure and efficient user authentication!

Ryo Iijima, Tetsuya Takehisa, Tetsushi Ohki, and Tatsuya Mori, “The Catcher in the Eye: Recognizing Users by their Blinks“, Proceedings of the 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2024), pp. xxxx–xxxx, June 2024 (acceptance rate: 65/301=21.6%)


今年のコンピューターセキュリティシンポジウム(CSS 2023)にて、当研究室が関わる論文を14件発表しました!(研究室からの投稿としては過去最多)


Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Image Classification Applied with Homomorphic Encryption
◎ Tianying Xie (Waseda University), Hayato Yamana (Waseda University), Tatsuya Mori (Waseda University / NICT / RIKEN AIP)(兼・PWS学生論文賞)
◎ 丹治 開 (早稲田大学), 渡邉 卓弥 (NTT社会情報研究所), 秋山 満昭 (NTT社会情報研究所), 森 達哉 (早稲田大学/NICT/理研AIP)
◎ 利川 悠斗 (早稲田大学), 飯島 涼 (国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所/早稲田大学), 森 達哉 (早稲田大学/NICT/理研AIP)

マボロシオロシ: 自律飛行型ドローンを標的とした投影攻撃の分析とロバストな対策手法の提案
〇 大山 穂高 (早稲田大学), 飯島 涼 (国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 / 早稲田大学), 森 達哉 (早稲田大学 / NICT / 理研AIP)

MWS Cup:総合準優勝

  • Tianying Xie, Hayato Yamana, Tatsuya Mori, “Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Image Classification Applied with Homomorphic Encryption”, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 63-70, 2023.
  • 鈴木芽依,飯島涼,小林竜之輔,田中優奈,大木哲史,森達哉, “WorldAuth: 周辺実世界の特徴を利用した 新たな認証フレームワークの提案”,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 423-430,2023年
  • 丹治開,渡邉卓弥,秋山満昭,森達哉,“NFTドメインの大規模実態調査“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 763-770,2023年
  • Lachlan Moore, Tatsuya Mori, “Understanding the Different Perspectives of VPN User,” コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 980-987, 2023.
  • 髙瀬由梨,利川悠斗,野本一輝,飯島涼,森達哉,“リズムタップ:リズム感の違いを利用した包摂的な個人認証技術の提案とユーザビリティ評価“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 1049-1056,2023年
  • 利川悠斗,飯島涼,森達哉,“Deepfake 検出に最適なニューラルネットワーク構造の 自動探索“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 1227-1234,2023年
  • 大山穂高,飯島涼,森達哉,“マボロシオロシ: 自律飛行型ドローンを標的とした投影攻撃の分析とロバストな対策手法の提案“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 1235-1242,2023年
  • 田中優奈,野本一輝,小林竜之輔,鶴岡豪,森達哉,”Lost in the Mist: 敵対的人工霧によるLiDARセンシングへの物体隠蔽攻撃の評価“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集,pp.1265-1272,2023年
  • 小林竜之輔,野本一輝,田中優奈,鶴岡豪,森達哉,”シャドウハック: LiDAR物体検出への敵対的攻撃“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集,pp. 1273-1280,2023年
  • 鶴岡 豪,野本 一輝,小林 竜之輔,田中 優奈,森 達哉,”敵対的再帰反射パッチ: 暗闇で有効化する敵対的攻撃“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集,pp. 1281-1288,2023年
  • 吉澤龍一,杉山優一,黒米佑馬,森達哉,“コードカバレッジ推測機構を持つ Blackbox IoT Fuzzer の開発“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集,pp. 1333-1340,2023年
  • HUANG SHU-PEI, Takuya Watanabe, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Tatsuya Mori, “An Investigation of Privacy and Security in VR APPs through URL String Analysis“, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 1341-1348, 2023.
  • 渡部晃久,松本和樹,森達哉,飯島涼,”バイオメトリクスの経時変化特性を考慮したリプレイ攻撃の対策“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 1481-1488,2023年
  • 相場智也,森達哉,西垣正勝,大木哲史,“MagSerea:周辺世界の3軸磁気情報に基づく認証方式“,コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム 2023 論文集, pp. 1497-1504,2023年

Suzuki-san presented a talk at EuroUSEC 2023

Suzuki-san presented a talk at EuroUSEC 2023, which is held in Copenhagen. We got excellent questions/comments from the audience. In this study, we introduce “PinchKey,” a novel VR authentication method leveraging the natural ‘pinch’ gesture. Here’s a snapshot:

Intuitive & User-Friendly: Replaces traditional methods like pattern locks or PINs, using the VR-familiar pinch gesture.

Technical Insight: Uses a supervised machine learning model to analyze the 3D trajectory of the pinch gesture for authentication.

Tested on Meta Quest 2: Our evaluation with 29 participants showed an impressive average AUC of 99.7% and a swift average authentication time of 1.65 seconds.

High Usability Score: Achieved a top-tier system usability scale (SUS) score of 86.25.

Real-World Ready: Demonstrated resilience against potential threats.

In essence, PinchKey offers a seamless, accurate, and rapid VR authentication experience. Watch out for its wider adoption in the VR realm!

  1. Mei Suzuki, Ryo Iijima, Kazuki Nomoto, Tetsushi Ohki), Tatsuya Mori, “PinchKey: A Natural and User-Friendly Approach to VR User Authentication,” Proceedings of the European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC), October 2023. [PDF]